My Uncle's Belly
By: GetInMyStomach

My uncle sat down next to me with a grunt. “Wow, I don’t think I’ve eaten so much in my life,’ he said, moaning slightly and stifling a belch.

I looked over his rather large belly, swollen with Thanksgiving dinner. Faintly, I could hear his meal gurgling pleasantly inside his stomach.

At first I said nothing. My first instinct was to say something dumb. Usually a leading question to get him talking about his stomach. But I resisted at first. I had plans.

Ever since I was a kid, my uncle always teased me about how he could swallow me whole. It was lighthearted and silly at the time, but it really affected me. Now many years later, I was a much different person. At 22, I was not very muscular, but I was proud of my body anyways. I ran a hand unconsciously over my stomach.

My uncle was silent, save for the rumblings of his belly as it struggled to digest the huge amounts of food he had stuffed into it. He really seemed to enjoy it. A content smile was on his face and his hands were openly rubbing his gut.

I made a casual comment. “How much did you get into your gut?”

He laughed vaguely. “A lot.”

“You’re stomach can hold that much?”

“My stomach can hold a lot more.”

“So can mine.”

He laughed again and looked at me. “I’d have to see that to believe it. You’ve got a little stomach.”

“It can stretch.”

“How much can you hold?”

“More than yours.”

“So now we’re comparing the capacity of our stomachs?” He shifted his weight and leaned back. “I don’t think I’ll ever understand you.”

I cautiously put a hand on his belly. He looked at me oddly, but didn’t say anything. “Here’s a weird question,” I began. “Have you ever wanted to be inside another man’s stomach?”

The weird look vanished. “What?”

“I’m just asking.” I tried to look innocent, but it didn’t work.

“You’re talking about yours aren’t you?”

“Not at all!” I shot back, but he continued to stare at me.

“I think you are,” he began, a strange smile creeping across his face.

I gave up the charade and looked him dead in the eye. “Would you be interested?”

He shifted his weight again. “It isn’t possible.”

“What if it was just for a short time? I’d let you out after a few minutes.”

He was silent and kept staring at me, his gaze shifting from my face to my flat stomach.

I kept talking, “I want to see if I can do it.”

“You want to swallow me whole.”


“You want to fit all of this,” he said, grabbing his belly with both hands for emphasis. “Into your little stomach. That’s crazy.”

“Not so crazy.” I grabbed his arm and dragged him into an empty room and locked the door. “Whether you want to or not, I’m doing this.” I removed my shirt.

He shrugged and took off his shirt. His pants followed shortly after.

I didn’t even let him say anything. I motioned for him to lie down on his back. I got down on my knees and started with his feet, pushing them into my mouth and down my throat. My lips explored his legs as I pulled him in like a snake does with its prey. He just lay there in shock as he watched his body slowly vanish down my throat. I got up to his thighs and then his waist, followed by the bulge of his full gut. Expanding my mouth further, I stretched over the expanse of firm, warm flesh as I gulped even harder, pulling his belly down my throat.

Once past his gut, I slowed down, enjoying his furry chest, muscular, but softened by years of eating heavy. He then surprised me by putting both arms into my mouth and pushing them into my throat. I gave another gulp and I had him up to his shoulders. Before continuing, I looked him in the eye and silently reassured him. The reality of what was happening must have finally dawned on him. His eyes looked terrified. He stared as his body slid slowly down my throat into my waiting stomach. I just gulped harder, each contraction of my throat muscles sending waves of pleasure through my body.

Finally with a massive, final gulp, his head slid into my mouth and I closed it, trapping him inside my body.

I lay on my stomach, feeling him slide into my waiting belly, my belly expanding and pushing me up off the floor. Then, with a final wet gurgle, I felt him slide fully into my now massive stomach.

Rolling onto my back, my stomach sloshing loudly, I enjoyed the sensation of his body, inside my stomach, pressing down on me. His movements inside caused my gut to sway and move as if by itself.

After a few minutes of enjoying him, I felt my stomach begin protesting. I had held off digesting him, not wanting to hurt him. Now I had to let him out or let my belly process him.

Finally, deciding to keep my promise, I opened my mouth, and with a loud, gurgling belch, felt him slide up out of my belly, out of my mouth and onto the rug, soaking wet with saliva.

He was dazed for a few moments. I ran my hands over his slick belly, which despite everything was still steadily digesting his own meal.

Finally his eyes opened and his gaze met mine. “That was incredible.”

He sat up and pressed the side of his face to my now empty belly. I put my hands to his head and held him there. “I was in there,” he said in amazement. “It was amazing.”

Pulling away from my stomach, which was now dripping with my saliva which had coated his face, he looked up at me. “Now I want you inside my belly.”

My cock immediately sprung to attention. This is what I had wanted all along. I wasted no time in stripping my pants off and moving towards him.

“I’ve wanted to be inside your stomach since I was little. You can keep me in there. I want to stay inside your belly forever.”

“But my stomach will digest you.”

“And I’ll make you fatter because of it. Be sure that all of me is converted to fat. I want to make your belly much bigger.”

He smiled, somewhat sadly and took me by the shoulders. I wasn’t afraid.

He opened his mouth enormously and I stared down his massive throat, which was opening up for me. Pulling me into his mouth, I closed my eyes out of reflex, but soon opened them, wanting to see every inch of him.

His thick tongue lapped greedily around my neck as my head entered his throat. I felt his take my shoulders in. His throat was all around me, massaging me and pulling me down into his stomach.

I could hear it growling hungrily despite all the food inside it. He wanted me as much as I had wanted him to do it.

He had me up to my chest and then my stomach. He took my stomach slowly, licking every inch of the belly that he had once been inside. His wet tongue lathering up my stomach with his saliva, adding to my saliva that was already all over it.

I descended farther and farther down his throat, my body encased in the wet, pulsing throat muscles all around me.

When he finally reached my legs, I felt safe finally. There was no turning back. He had angled my cock, with some difficulty into his mouth. Being swallowed by the man I had always dreamed of had given me the biggest erection I had ever had. It was massive and throbbing hugely. Only a few seconds inside his throat, being massaged by his powerful muscles and bathed in his saliva had been enough. I shot my load which splashed down his throat in torrents, some of it landing on my neck. The rest slurped down his throat where it would wait for me.

With a loud sucking noise, my head entered his stomach. The pulsing sac expanded as my body slid into it, bulging outward to make room for me.

I heard a loud groan that seemed to come from everywhere. He had swallowed me and had had a lot of fun doing it. My legs finally joined me and I curled up into a tight ball, swimming in the contents of his belly. His meal, now reduced to a thick soup, encased me comfortably. I was in here, inside his belly, amidst all the food that I had heard gurgling inside him only minutes before.

Not wanting to stave off digestion as I had, felt his powerful gut muscles begin working on me, massaging me, softening me.

I just completely went limp and let his belly have its way with me.

A thunderous belch emptied his stomach sac of air and, lightheaded, I passed out seconds later.

My last thoughts were of the gentle undulations of his hungry stomach, the look on his face when he had made up his mind, and the overwhelming mental image of his belly, much fatter than usual, sticking out from under a tight t-shirt as he walked down the street. And the knowledge that all that extra fat was me. Or rather what I was going to become. In hours, I would be over a hundred pounds of bellyfat.

He’d never be able to hide his belly again.

Then I drifted off and was swallowed by darkness…

The End

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